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发布时间: 2022-03-28 17:14:24   作者:本站编辑   来源: 本站原创   浏览次数:


Announcement on Solicitation (Competition) of a Master Plan for Xiong’an Campus, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)


China University of Geosciences (Beijing) is holding a competition for soliciting a master plan for Xiong’an Campus. This competition is open to all design institutions with rich experience in campus planning and architectural design for comprehensive universities.



1. Project Profile

1.1 项目名称:中国地质大学(北京)雄安校区总体规划方案征集(竞赛)

1.1 Project name: Solicitation (Competition) of a Master Plan for Xiong’an Campus, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

1.2 项目地点:河北雄安新区第五组团中国地质大学(北京)雄安校区地块

1.2 Project location: Plot of Xiong’an Campus, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), 5th Cluster, Xiong’an New Area, Hebei Province

1.3 建设规模

1.3 Construction scale


The total area is 1,600mu, including 1,200 mu for construction and 700,000m2 of gross construction area (above the ground).

1.4 工程建设投资额:约70亿元(不含土地费用)

1.4 Investment in project construction: approximately RMB 7 billion (excluding land costs)

1.5 征集(竞赛)内容:

1.5 Subject matter of solicitation (competition):


Master plan within the land scope, including master floor plan, functional zoning, traffic organization, spatial form, environmental landscape design, dimensional research (dimensional models) and intent for construction in core areas, etc.

1.6 征集方式:全球公开征集

1.6 Solicitation method: worldwide open solicitation

1.7 主办单位:中国地质大学(北京)

1.7 Sponsor: China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

1.8 代理机构:中天信远国际招投标咨询(北京)有限公司

1.8 Agent: ZTXY International Tendering & Bidding Conslting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Account Name (Full Name): ZTXY International Tendering & Bidding Conslting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Bank: Jinsong Dongkou Subbranch, Bank of China, Beijing


Account Number: 346756034237


Address: Room 1105, F/11, Huateng Beitang Commercial Tower, 37 South Mofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022


Contacts: Yu Hailong; Zhang Peng; Lu Zhihui


TEL: 010-53779910


FAX: 010-51908473; Email: ztxygj3@163.com

2. 报名条件

2. Registration Requirements

2.1 应征申请人必须是取得合法执业资质、具有独立法人资格的设计院或设计公司或设计事务所;或符合上述条件的机构组成的联合体。

2.1 The applicants must be design institutes, design companies or design agencies which are independent legal entities with lawful qualification for business operations, or consortiums made up of these eligible organizations.

2.2 中华人民共和国境内的应征申请人须具有建筑工程设计甲级资质或工程设计综合甲级资质;中华人民共和国境外的应征申请人应当是其所在国或者所在地区的建筑设计行业协会或组织推荐的会员,在本国具有从事建筑工程设计的相应资格;香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区应征申请人的资格要求参照境外设计机构资格要求。

2.2 The applicants within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall hold Class A qualification for architectural design or integrated Class A qualification for engineering design. The applicants outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be members recommended by associations or organizations of the architectural design industry of the countries or regions where they are and qualified for embarking on architectural design. As to qualification requirements for applicants of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, refer to the qualification requirements for overseas design institutions.


The aforementioned design institutions with corresponding qualification may submit applications separately (but two or more domestic legal entities, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies or organizations represented by the same legal representative shall not submit applications separately). They may jointly submit an application as a consortium, provided that the leader of the consortium and responsibilities of all consortium members shall be specified in a consortium agreement.

2.3 应征申请人应具有大学校区规划及建筑设计经验。

2.3 The applicants shall be experienced in campus planning and architecture design for universities.

2.4 应征申请人参加本次活动的设计人员应是应征单位的在册人员,首席设计师必须由应征申请人单位中主持过大学类项目的建筑师担任。

2.4The applicants’ designers participating in this event shall be the applicants’ registered employees, and their chief designers must be applicants’ architects who have implemented university projects as leaders.

2.5 组成联合体应征时,应征申请人中每个成员均应满足本报名条件第2.1~2.4条之规定。

2.5 For a consortium’s application, all consortium members shall satisfy the registration requirements specified in Articles 2.1~2.4 hereunder.

3. 征集公告发布网站

3. Websites of Solicitation Announcement


This announcement is intended to be simultaneously made on the websites of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) (www.cugb.edu.cn), Chinese government’s procurement (www.ccgp.gov.cn), andZTXY International Tendering & Bidding Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (http://www.ztxygj.com).

4. 第一轮评选文件的获取

4. Acquisition of Documents for the First Round Evaluation


Interested applicants may download a registration form from the agent’s website (http://www.ztxygj.com) from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 13:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon from March 28, 2022 to April 2, 2022 (Beijing Time, the same below). After completing the form and paying registration fees, the applicants shall email their payment voucher and registration form to ztxygj3@163.com. Only eligible applicants registered with the agent can obtain documents for the first round evaluation.


5. Submission of Application Documents for the First Round Evaluation


The applicants taking interest in this project shall submit the application documents for the first round evaluation to the agent (Room 1105, F/11, Huateng Beitang Commercial Tower, 37 South Mofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022) by 16:00, April 20, 2022.


6. Plan Submission for the Solicitation (Competition)


The applicants passing the first round evaluation shall deliver their response documents and Master Plan for Xiong’an Campus, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) to the agent according to the solicitation documents.


7. Compensation for Application


This solicitation (competition) will be held in two rounds.

7.1 应征补偿费是主办单位支付给应征人参加本次征集活动、且递交有效应征设计方案的费用补偿。但对于未按规定时间提交应征文件或其应征文件按规定未被接受或被取消资格的应征人将不予支付应征补偿费。

7.1 The compensation for application is paid by the sponsor to the applicants who take part in this solicitation and submit effective design proposals for the solicitation. The applicants who fail to submit the application documents within the specified deadline or whose application documents are not accepted as stipulated or who are disqualified for this solicitation will not be compensated.

7.2 有效应征设计方案是指通过评审委员会初步评审的设计方案。

7.2 Effective design proposals mean those approved by the Review Committee upon preliminary review.

7.3 主办单位将向进入第二轮征集活动的每个提交了有效应征设计方案的应征人支付应征补偿费,其中中选应征人补偿人民币150万元(含税),其他每名补偿人民币55万元(含税)。

7.3 The sponsor will pay application compensation to all applicants who submit effective design proposals in the second round of this solicitation. The winner of this solicitation will be paid RMB 1,500,000 (tax included) as compensation, while each of all other applicants will be paid RMB 550,000 (tax included) as compensation.

7.4 应征补偿费支付

7.4 Payment of application compensation

7.4.1 应征人须提供中华人民共和国境内银行账户。由第三方进行代收的应提供有关凭证。

7.4.1 The applicants shall provide details of their bank accounts opened within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The applicants who entrust a third party to receive the compensation on behalf of them shall submit related proofs.

7.4.2 应征人的应征补偿费以人民币方式支付。

7.4.2 The compensation for application shall be paid to the applicants in Chinese Yuan.

7.4.3 主办单位不承担由于应征补偿费所产生的任何税项。

7.4.3 The sponsor shall not bear any taxes incurred by the compensation for application.

7.4.4 主办单位将在应征补偿费支付协议签订后 14 日内支付应征补偿费。

7.4.4 The sponsor shall pay the compensation for application within 14 days after signing related payment agreement.


8. Miscellaneous

8.1 “中国地质大学(北京)雄安校区总体规划方案征集(竞赛)公告”的解释权属于主办单位。

8.1 The right to interpret the “Announcement on Solicitation (Competition) of Master Plan for Xiong'an Campus, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)” shall be reserved by the sponsor.

8.2 本次征集(竞赛)活动中的所有文件及往来信函均应使用中文书写。

8.2 All documents and correspondences in this solicitation (competition) shall be written in Chinese.

8.3 本次征集(竞赛)活动,每个应征申请人只应自己单独或作为某一个联合体的成员应征。

8.3 Each applicant shall only submit its application for this solicitation (competition) separately or as a consortium.

8.4 应征人的应征设计方案的使用权归主办单位。但是(a)应征人享有署名权,并可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示其应征作品;(b)主办单位以及应征人均不得将应征设计方案用于本项目以外的任何项目。

8.4 The right to use the applicants’ design proposals shall be owned by the sponsor, provided that (a) the applicants shall have the right of authorship, with the right to evaluate and present their works through media, or in the form of professional magazines, books, publications or in other forms; (b) neither the sponsor nor the applicants shall use the solicited design proposals for any projects other than this one.

8.5 本次征集(竞赛)活动本身及与该活动相关的文件所适用的法律、法规仅为中华人民共和国的法律和法规。

8.5 Only laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China are applicable to this solicitation (competition) and related documents.

8.6 凡参加本次征集(竞赛)第一轮评选活动的应征申请人均被视为同意并接受本公告的全部内容及条款。

8.6 All applicants participating in the first round evaluation of this solicitation (competition) shall be deemed to have agreed to and accepted all contents and articles of this announcement.




